Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What is a Root Kit ?

A Root kit is one of the nastiest infections you can have and u don't want one. If your PC is vulnerable or the USER clicks on something they shouldn't have, Root kits can enter your system the same way any regular virus, or malware can. Once they get in you are in for a host of trouble.

One of the things that makes a Root kit different from a normal virus is where it resides on the infected PC and how it hides itself from detection by Windows. After the Root kit is installed it will start up with the hardware drivers when you start up your PC. These drivers etc. all load before Windows itself loads so that once you get into Windows the Root kit and all of its friends are already up and running on your system. The infection usually has to be killed while Windows isn't running. Usually this is done during a reboot of the system.

These infections can be extremely dangerous to your PC as the Root kit can also damage important Windows System Files possibly forcing a Repair or Re-install of Windows on your PC and potential Data Loss. Root kits can create all sorts of havoc on your system, taking control of it and restricting your Access to your own files even. The infection can create files, hide files, delete files, and just about anything else that is unpleasant for your PC.

Only skilled Technicians should be removing Root kits. Though there are some tools out there to remove them, the tools are very dangerous and if used improperly can permanently damage your system. If you are the lucky recipient of a Root kit, back up your important data and have your machine serviced by a professional. I recommend www.zolexpc.com if you get one.

Thanks again and happy surfing. :)

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